B16 : Arthritis and First Nations People

Students Angelina Bomberry
School SNS - Oliver M. Smith Kawennio:io - Ohsweken
Level Junior 7/8 - Grade 8
Group Group 3 - Health Sciences II
Abstract My science project is about why First Nations people are more prone to arthritis then the rest of the Canadian population? And, why First Nations people are receiving less treatment for arthritis. Information and research about First Nations people in Canada living with arthritis is very limited. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada website (www.phac-aspc.gc),“in 2002-2003 19% of First Nations adults aged 20 years and older living on-reserve (79,400 people) reported having been diagnosed with arthritis/rheumatism.” I have family members who have arthritis. I am curious to know how the arthritis began, what medication is being used and how arthritis impacts their daily living. Also, if more funding was available to provide First Nations people with accessible health care services for the treatment of arthritis would this decrease the high rate of arthritis among First Nations people.