H09 : Is Your Memory Running Away From You?

Students Madison Cote
School IND - Appleby College - Oakville, ON
Level Junior 7/8 - Grade 8
Group Group 4 - Health Sciences III
Abstract The purpose of this science fair was to determine how different activities improved or impeded your memory. 5 different activities were selected: running stairs, walking, jumping jacks, listening to classical music and going on social media. 6 words were given to the subject before and were asked to recall as many as they could. Then were asked to do an activity for 1 minute. Then a new list of 6 words were given and asked to recall as many as they could. Based on this experiment the memory improves best to worst in the following activities: Running Stairs, Jumping Jacks, Listening to classical music, Walking then Going on Social Media. Also this experiment states that doing physical activity improves your memory better than non-physical activity. Based on this experiment running stairs improves your memory the greatest.