L11 : Coral Reefs and the Kellwasser Event: Unraveling the Devonian Extinction Mystery

Students Tristan Barkman
School IND - Home Schooling - Brantford
Level Intermediate 9/10 - Grade 9
Group Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
Abstract My science fair project investigates the link between cooling climates, Devonian coral reef extinctions, and the subsequent Kellwasser event. By analyzing fossil records and geochemical data, we aim to unravel the mechanisms behind this critical transition. We draw parallels to our modern coral reefs, which face challenges due to rising temperatures and human impact. Understanding the past can guide conservation efforts for these vital ecosystems.
Group Award Prize
Merit AwardsBronze Merit Award$ 60
McMaster University School of Earth, Environment and SocietyEarth and Environmental Sciences Award$ 100