L12 : Multi Use Dispenser

Students Bradley Smith
Tommy Madgett
School HDSB - Alexander's Public School - Burlington
Level Junior 7/8 - Grade 7
Group Group 2B - Engineering and Computing I
Abstract There has been a new trend going on these days called the tide pod challenge and it consists of someone putting a toxic tide pod inside their mouths and trying to swallow. This is incredibly stupid and no one should attempt it. When kids see videos of people or their favorite YouTubers doing it they think it looks cool and fun so they do it not thinking and knowing that it can put them in danger. An excellent way to counter this is by putting in a high storage container so kids or some teens cannot get into it. But it is even hard for adults to get into. And it is hard and annoying to get your hand into the bucket. Therefore making a multi-use dispenser could change the world. Side note this can be used for many things, but we are using tide pods as an example.