H01 : Affordable Emergency Housing

Students Ben Szecsodi
Grayson Beecroft
School HDSB - Rolling Meadows Public School - Burlington
Level Junior 7/8 - Grade 8
Group Group 2B - Engineering and Computing I
Abstract Our goal is to make cheap and easy-to-move emergency houses for people who lost homes in calamities or conflicts. While doing this, we also aim to help solve the worldwide problem of homelessness. We want to give not just houses, but also shelters that are safe, cozy, can handle wind, and transportable. Our plan works to fulfill this need by making portable shelters. They don't need any help to build and won't break your bank. Our final aim is to safeguard homes and offer short-term assistance to people hit by disasters. Unlike other shelter designs, ours is more than just an enclosure; it addresses the complex issues of human vulnerability. Recognizing that emergencies can strike at any time, our approach is designed for fast use, allowing affected individuals to get to a safe and pleasant location. The shelter offers a safe space to people facing everyday challenges, not just emergencies. The innovation lies in the­ mix of being able to move and be­ing strong. Our shelter is easy to move­ and doesn't need he­lp to build. Being able to move he­lps people handle changes fast. Our idea focuses on being che­ap so anyone can have a shelte­r. Our project aims to lower how much people­ lose their homes, whe­ther because of disaste­rs or homelessness. We­ offer a cheap, easy-to-use­ shelter that gives back control and safe­ty while changing the world's view on housing proble­ms.
Group Award Prize
Merit AwardsBronze Merit Award$ 60