P05 : FlameWatch: A Real-Time TensorFlow and Edge TPU Powered Home Defense System

Students Bonnie Luo
School HDSB - White Oaks Secondary School - Oakville
Level Intermediate 9/10 - Grade 9
Group Group 10 - Engineering and Computing IV
Abstract The purpose of this innovation project was to find an effective solution to detect and prevent house fires, which happens every 87 seconds in our world, by developing a system with a camera capable of detecting fires in real-time and extinguishing the fire immediately using house garden sprinklers. By achieving these goals, this project aims to provide a life-saving, efficient solution to the long lasting issue of house fires and providing home security at the same time.
Group Award Prize
Merit AwardsSilver Merit Award$ 80
Talkit.ca Computer Engineering AwardsTalkit.ca Computer Engineering Award - First$ 100