H12 : Weed-Watch: an Innovative AI-Based Ground Weed Detection System for Agricultural Practices

Students Akshin Makkar
School IND - King's Christian Collegiate - Oakville
Level Senior 11/12 - Grade 12
Group Group 7 - Engineering and Computing III
Abstract The purpose of my project is to develop a novel Convolutional Neural Network (image AI algorithm) that can receive a video of a particular area of land and pinpoint the location of various ground weeds. The developed algorithm is also programmed to effectively make a tally count of the number of weeds found, neatly displaying it to the respective user. Utilizing React.js, Roboflow Software, and a trained dataset of ground weeds, the system is to solve a longstanding problem that farmers face in locating ground weeds and avoiding external losses when it comes to eliminating them.
Group Award Prize
McMaster University Faculty of Engineering Entrance AwardsMcMaster University Faculty of Engineering Entrance Award$3,000 Entrance Award