Today, there are many opportunities for young people to explore their interests in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). They may work on a school project, or join a club, or investigate an area of interest on their own. The Bay Area Science and Engineering Fair (BASEF) is a regional fair providing an opportunity for students to show off their work and gain recognition for their effort. As well, through its affiliations, BASEF provides opportunities for students to compete at the national and international levels.
Open to students:
- in grades seven through twelve;
- living in the City of Hamilton, the Regional Municipality of Halton, Six Nations, Haldimand, Norfolk, and Brant Counties;
- attending any public, separate or private school or homeschooled; and
- under the age of 21 before June of the BASEF year
Quick Facts
- The fair attracts 500 participants annually, from grades seven to 12.
- The fair is free for participants.
- We are affiliated with the Canada Wide Science Fair and the International Science and Engineering Fair. Several of the top projects from our fair are sent on to compete at these events.
- Our students have competed against the top young minds in the world, and have brought home many prestigious national and international awards over the years.
- BASEF is completely run by volunteers and funded by the generous support of our sponsors.
Our History
The Hamilton Spectator’s Roy Middleton and the Junior Chamber of Commerce were instrumental in founding The Hamilton and District Science Fair in 1960. Since that time many thousands of young people from the area have benefited from their participation in this event. Some have gone on to achieve further success at the national and international levels, and many are now active in careers related to science and technology. Several continue to be involved with the fair at the organizational level.
Our Name
Some may wonder what happened to the “Hamilton District Science and Engineering Fair” or the “Hamilton-Wentworth and Halton Science and Engineering Fair”; BASEF is still the same organization serving the same towns and cities around the bay, above and below the Niagara Escarpment, from Stoney Creek around to Oakville. Rather than changing the name of the fair with each change in municipal or regional nomenclature, we’ve named the fair after the bay, call it Burlington Bay or Hamilton Bay, from around which all of our students, teachers and volunteers are drawn. We don’t think that the Bay is going anywhere, so our name shouldn’t be changing again any time soon (but if we’re wrong, then someone might have a fascinating topic for an environmental science project).

Our Mission
BASEF inspires young people to change the world through science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
BASEF provides opportunities for students to showcase their innovations and discoveries.
Our Goals
- To conduct an annual fair for the exhibition and competition of STEM projects.
- To award prizes and to send competitors to the Canada-Wide Science Fair and the International Science and Engineering Fair.
- To co-ordinate STEM activities as a part of the fair experience.
- To promote awareness of careers in science, engineering and technology.
View the BASEF Constitution (PDF)
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